Arkiv 2022
Denna sida visar ett arkiverat innehåll från tidigare år.

signering Jonas Norén


Human behind the penis is a book with photos of the male genitalia, depicting and addressing the vast variety of shapes and sizes of the penis, and the stigma caused by the owner s concern and shame about its size or shape, not being aware that there s in fact a wide range of varieties.

A book teaching you how to appreciate and love your own penis.

Biljett: Ingår i entrébiljetten.

Presenterades 2022
lördag / 24 sep / 2022

Human behind the penis is a book with photos of the male genitalia, depicting and addressing the vast variety of shapes and sizes of the penis, and the stigma caused by the owner s concern and shame about its size or shape, not being aware that there s in fact a wide range of varieties.

A book teaching you how to appreciate and love your own penis.

Biljett: Ingår i entrébiljetten.

Språk: Svenska
Arrangör: Tallbergs Förlag