Arkiv 2021
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Growing Up Without Freedom: Case Belarus

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What does the limited freedom of expression do to the new generation? The dictatorship in Belarus has been a threat to journalists and artists for over a decade. How does the hope survive? Which actions from the outside keep the activism going?

Moderator: Jesper Bengtsson, Chair, Swedish PEN

Panellist: Marita Muukkonen, Founder, AR-Safe Haven Helsinki residency, Artists At Risk, former Chairperson of HIAP – The Helsinki International Artists-in-Residence Programme.

Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha, Chairperson Beladania, Assistant Lecturer Copenhagen Business School, PhD.

Ilona Dergach , curator, editor/co-founder of the online portals and Ilona is a participant in an exchange and art residency program STATUS at Konstepidemin,

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Presenterades 2021
lördag / 25 sep / 2021

What does the limited freedom of expression do to the new generation? The dictatorship in Belarus has been a threat to journalists and artists for over a decade. How does the hope survive? Which actions from the outside keep the activism going?

Moderator: Jesper Bengtsson, Chair, Swedish PEN

Panellist: Marita Muukkonen, Founder, AR-Safe Haven Helsinki residency, Artists At Risk, former Chairperson of HIAP – The Helsinki International Artists-in-Residence Programme.

Lizaveta Dubinka-Hushcha, Chairperson Beladania, Assistant Lecturer Copenhagen Business School, PhD.

Ilona Dergach , curator, editor/co-founder of the online portals and Ilona is a participant in an exchange and art residency program STATUS at Konstepidemin,

Språk: Engelska
Arrangör: Hanaholmen - kulturcentrum för Sverige och Finland