Freedom Talk@GTB Book Fair: House of Memory ; a conversation on memory and the importance of oral traditions in indigenous societies.
As an oral society, when members of our community die, we lose the wisdom and knowledge that they carry. That loss entails the loss of information on a family line or even a whole era. The need to find sustainable ways of recording history from elders drives the project ‘The House of Memory. Meet Easterine Kire, an acclaimed writer who is a pioneer opening up the beautiful Naga culture to the world through her writing, treasuring the oral traditions of Nagaland.
Easterine Kire, an acclaimed writer who is a pioneer opening up the beautiful Naga culture to the world through her writing, treasuring the oral traditions of Nagaland. Kire is based in Tromsö, Norway where she first came in 2005 as the city’s first guest writer. She has a deep interest in historical writing and continues to record and document unwritten oral history in order to rescue and preserve it for future generations.
Fredrik Elg, Previously a filmmaker, Fredrik Elg specializes in issues concerning democracy, inclusion and freedom of speech, specifically in the arts. He has worked for the Swedish Arts Council, Malmö City and partnered with several global organizations working with democracy and freedom of speech, as well as, conceptualized and launched the Safe Haven network for creative professionals under threat. He is one of the founders of the non-profit organization Safe Havens & Freedom Talks (SH&FT). Elg has studied arts, journalism and social studies at Lund University, Malmö University and at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Malin Thor Tureby is Professor of History at Malmö University, Sweden. Thor Tureby’s currently research interests lie in the history of survivor activism, Jewish women’s history, and the archival and digital practices of cultural heritage institutions. She is presently the PI for the Swedish Research team in the consortium Digital Heritage in Cultural Conflicts (DigiCONFLICT) funded by JPICH & the Swedish National Heritage Board and the PI/PL for the research projects Narratives as Cultural Heritage and Jewish and Woman, both funded by The Swedish Research Council.
Freedom Talk #7. Watch Previous Freedom Talks here: