Alain Lallemand

Born in Liège in 1962, Alain Lallemand is a famous Belgian journalist who has been working for more than 30 years in fields such as international reporting and investigations work and war reporting. Lallemand teaches investigative and narrative journalism at the University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
His work about child trafficking, gold mines, weapon trade,… earned him several awards in the US. He has also co-founded the group of European journalists that produced “The Panama Papers” and other “papers” files.
On top of his journalistic career, he is a gifted writer who has published 6 books inspired by his journalistic career and spanning the 5 continents.
He has explored for twenty years a variety of writing crafts ranging from the judiciary and investigative journalism to the natural disaster reports and war correspondence. His narratives and novels add a literary touch to the underworlds – mafias, weapons traffickers, spies -he explores routinely.
His latest novel (2020), published in France by JC Lattès, “L’homme qui dépeuplait les collines » , explores the theme of blood diamonds and corruption in Africa through an media inquiry.

Foto: Samuel Boivin